Mapping a Domain Using the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server
This topic explains how to map a property in the requirements domain in the requirements-domain-mapping.json file. The logic can be used to map other properties in the requirements domain or properties in the change domain (change-domain-mapping.json).
It is recommended you take a backup of your domain mapping json file before updating it.
When using the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server with Windchill Modeler, consider the following:
While working with Windchill Modeler for connecting to the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server (requirements domain only), PTC recommends mapping the Windchill RV&S field of Short Text type with the “dcterms:title” and “oslc:shortTitle” OSLC fields under the requirementCollectionTypes and requirementTypes properties in the requirements-domain-mapping.json file.
Use the Initialize Summary field for Node trigger provided with the Requirements and Validation Solution for generating values for such fields of Short Text type. This trigger extracts the text of the rich content field from the requirement node and adds it to the fields of the Short Text type.