Requesting Compact Resources Using Headers
The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server supports compact representation for preview of Windchill RV&S Document and Node types. The server provides URIs for small preview, icons, ID, and title of the Windchill RV&S requirements and requirement document resources when an OSLC client application requests discovery of compact resources.
The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server provides support for compact resources as per the Header of the requests received from the OSLC client applications. OSLC client applications can send a GET request with the following headers for discovering compact resources:
Accept Header
Link Header
Prefer Header
Accept Header
If the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server receives a GET request for a Document or Node type from the OSLC client application with the Accept header specified as application/x-oslc-compact+xml, the response for such GET request includes application/x-oslc-compact+xml as the content type for the Accept header. This indicates that the client has requested compact representation for a requirement or requirement document resource.
The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server supports application/x-oslc-compact+xml as the content type for allowing OSLC client applications to use content negotiation to access the Compact resource, as per OSLC Core Version 2.0.
To discover compact resources using the Accept header, OSLC client applications can use the HTTP Accept header with the application/x-oslc-compact+xml content type for requesting the Compact resource representation for a URI. The client application must set the Accept Header with value as application/x-oslc-compact+xml when sending the GET request.
The Windchill RV&S OSLC server provides compact resources for the Document and Node type in the body of the response of such requests. The compact resources are provided in the rdf+xml content type.
Link Header
If the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server receives a GET request for a Document or Node type from the OSLC client application with value of the Accept header specified as application/ld+json, the response for such GET request is provided in the ld+json content type and includes the Link header. The value of the Link header in the response provides the following:
Target URI of the compact resource
For example, https://localhost:3001/oslc/r/requirements?id=15&compact
Link relation (
This indicates that compact representation is available for the specified Document or Node type.
To discover compact resources using the Link header, OSLC client applications must set the Accept header to application/ld+json when sending the GET request on a Document or Node type. If the request is successful, the value of the Link header in the response provides the target URI of the compact resource and the link relation.
For example:
<https://localhost:3001/oslc/r/requirements?id=15&compact>; rel=""
The OSLC client application must then send a GET request to the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server using the target URI of the compact resource for discovering the small preview.
For example:
GET https://localhost:3001/oslc/r/requirements?id=15&compact
The OSLC client application must specify the content type for the response using the Accept header when sending the GET request with the target URI. The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server supports application/ld+json and application/rdf+xml as the content type for such request responses.
Prefer Header
If the Windchill RV&S OSLC Server receives a GET request for a Document or Node type from the OSLC client application with Prefer header set to return=representation; include="", the response for such GET request includes the compact resources in the body of the response of such requests. The response also includes Preference-Applied header set to return=representation. The Windchill RV&S OSLC Server supports application/ld+json and application/rdf+xml as the content type in the response for such request.
To discover compact resources using the Prefer header, OSLC client applications must set the Prefer header to return=representation; include="" when sending the GET request on a Document or Node type. The GET request should also include the Accept header in the request. If the client application needs response in ld+json content type, then the Accept header must be set to application/ld+json. If the client application needs response in rdf+xml content type, then the Accept header must be set to application/rdf+xml.