Advanced Customization > Add a Custom Task to Your Homepage
Add a Custom Task to Your Homepage
After you create a custom task, add it to the homepage for your users to access. At this point, you can also customize the task’s tile and add tailoring. To do all this, follow these steps in ThingWorx:
1. Create a thing for the task
First, you need to create a ThingWorx thing for the task.
1. Click New iconNEW and then, in the list of results, select Thing.
2. In the General Information area for the thing, next to Name, type a name for the Thing. For example, NewTaskThing. This is the name of the thing, but it doesn’t have to be the display name for the task.
3. Next to Tags, find the tag Custom apps, and then add it to the list of tags.
4. For the Base Thing Template box, make sure the value is this: PTC.Converge.App.CustomizedAccessAppConfigTemplate.
5. Next to Implemented Shapes, select PTC.CustomAccessAppThingShape.
6. Click Save.
2. Select the mashup
Now that the task has a thing, we’ll select the mashup. The mashup is the task you are adding to the homepage.
1. Edit your newly created NewTaskThing.
2. In the General Information area for the thing, next to Home Mashup, select the mashup name that corresponds to the task. For example, it could be mycompany-new-mashup.
3. Click Save.
4. Switch back to ThingWorx Navigate for a moment. Refresh the browser and notice that your new task appears in a new row on the page.
3. Change the name and image on the tile
The task now appears on your homepage, but you may want to customize the appearance of the tile. In the next steps, we’ll add the name of your task and assign it a new icon.
1. In ThingWorx, edit your NewTaskThing.
2. At the top, click Properties and Alerts. The Inherited Properties table displays the default icon image.
3. In the appIcon row, under the Value column, click Set value of property. The Set value of property dialog box opens.
4. Click X to remove the existing icon, and then start typing the name of the new icon.
5. Select the media name in the result list, and click Check icon.
6. In the useCaseNameToken row, under the Value column, click Set value of property.
7. Set a new name and click Check icon.
8. Click Save and switch back to ThingWorx Navigate. Refresh the page. Your new task is updated.
4. Add the ability to tailor your custom task
Next, you may want to add the ability to tailor the task. A tailoring page is another mashup, so you’ll need to select it, and then connect it using the following steps.
1. Back in ThingWorx, click Browse iconBrowse.
2. Under Mashups find and copy the name of the tailoring page mashup.
3. Go back to your NewTaskThing and locate the tailoringMashupName property row.
4. In the Value column, click Set Value and paste the mashup name.
5. Save NewTaskThing and return toThingWorx Navigate. Refresh the page. The tailoring pencil appears on the tile, and the tailoring mashup is connected.