What's new in Visual Basic code generation (Visual Basic code)
The Visual Basic code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in Visual Basic code generation in 8.4
The Visual Basic code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.4 did not include any significant changes.
What was new in Visual Basic code generation in 8.3
The Visual Basic code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.3 did not include any significant changes.
What was new in Visual Basic code generation in 8.2
The Visual Basic generation provided with Modeler 8.2 included the following changes:
From the Launch ACS/TDK dialog, you now select Code Generator DLLs by default, rather than Scheme.ini files.
What was new in Visual Basic code generation in 8.1
The Visual Basic generation provided with Studio 8.1 did not include any significant changes.
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