SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > SysML profile > Requirements > Requirements in a Modeler pane > Creating a requirement through a Modeler pane (SysML)
Creating a requirement through a Modeler pane (SysML)
This topic provides information for creating a requirement through a Modeler pane. For information about creating Requirements through a diagram, click here.
For information about creating a Requirement Extension (a Design Constraint, Extended Requirement, Functional Requirement, Interface Requirement, Performance Requirement or Physical Requirement), see the Related Topics.
To create a requirement through a Modeler pane:
1. If required, set up the default name and the number of digits to use for new requirements. How?
2. Right-click the Model or Package in which you want to create the requirement, and select New > SysML > Requirements > Requirement.
Right-click the Requirement or Requirement Extension from which you want to create the requirement, and select New > SysML > Requirement.
3. Type the name of the Requirement, and then press the Enter key.
4. On the Requirement's Property Pages, click the Text tab, and then from the drop-down list select Description.
5. Type the text of the Requirement in the Description property.
6. To specify the id# property of the Requirement:
a. Click the Requirement tab.
b. Select the id# entry, and then click the Properties button.
c. Type the value, and then close the text window.
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