Model review and simulation > SySim- SysML model execution > SySim profile package > <<SySim TWRemoteProperty>> stereotype (SySim)
<<SySim TWRemoteProperty>> stereotype (SySim)
Apply the «SySim TWRemoteProperty» stereotype to Block Properties and output ports when you want their values available in ThingWorx mashups.
Information specified in the target model item as well as associated Tag Definition values are used as follows:
To connect at runtime with ThingWorx.
To generate a suitable ThingShape that is able to represent the remote part of the object in ThingWorx Composer.
The «SySim TWRemoteProperty» stereotype applies the following Tag Definitions:
SySim TWBaseType
When set to a value, forces mapping to the ThingWorx type specified in the tagged value. When a value is not set, an automatic mapping is attempted, see the following section for more information.
SySim TWReadOnly
Boolean tag definition that defines the property as read-only, see the following section for more information.
SySim TWDescription
Contains the optional value of the ThingWorx property Description field.
SySim TWCategory
Contains the optional Category of the ThingWorx property Category field.
SySim TWAspects
Contains an optional list of ThingWorx aspects that allow you to further refine the property definition. Each aspect is in the form "name:value" (the quotes are required) and the list of aspects must appear as a pipe ( | ) separated list in the tagged value. Note that the value of the SySim TWReadOnly tag definition is automatically added to the aspect list.
Type mappings are as follows:
If the value of the SySim TWBaseType tag definition is set, the object is mapped to the ThingWorx type specified in the tagged value, otherwise the following applies:
If the object is typed by a type object, and the type object is stereotyped by the «SySim TWDataShape» stereotype, mapping occurs to a ThingWorx INFOTABLE, otherwise:
Decimal, Integer, Double, Long and Single are mapped to the ThingWorx NUMBER type.
Boolean is mapped to ThingWorx BOOLEAN type.
DateTime is mapped to ThingWorx DATETIME type.
Everything else is mapped to a ThingWorx STRING type.
The ThingWorx SDK receives property values as Object. The SDK uses the ToString() method when it does not recognize the type value and the ThingWorx type is a string.
Remote properties that are not read-only can be set on the ThingWorx side.
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