Diagram toolbar command script (property)
For automation interface information about the Diagram Toolbar Command Script property (Script, Script Text or Text through the automation interface), see the automation interface topic for a Script in the Related Topics.
When you add a new Diagram Toolbar Command entry on the Toolbar tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages, Modeler creates a Script object for the Stereotype through the Owned Toolbar Script association. The Script Type of the Script object is set to ToolbarCommand. The Script object is used to record the Diagram Toolbar Command Script. Note that Stereotype owned Scripts are not shown in Modeler.
This property specifies the Visual Basic script for a diagram toolbar command script.
For more information about working with Visual Basic diagram toolbar command scripts for a Stereotype, see:
By default, the Diagram Toolbar Command Script property is blank.
You use the Code Editor to edit Diagram Toolbar Command Script code. The Code Editor language is always Visual Basic when editing Diagram Toolbar Command Script code, irrespective of the Language that is set for parent Packages and the Model. For information about the Code Editor, including setting the code language to use, see
Overview of the Code Editor.
This property is set on the Toolbar tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages. To change the script, select the required entry, and then click the

Edit Script button.
| When you add a new diagram toolbar command entry, the Has Script column displays No. After editing the script (even if you leave the script blank), the Has Script column displays Yes. |
| To write scripts you require a good working knowledge of the VBScript language, the Modeler Meta Model and the Modeler Automation Interface. If you run a script that has errors, those errors can corrupt Modeler model data and make Modeler crash. |
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Diagram Toolbar Command Script is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.
Is property of