Data typing
You can assign data types to Attributes, Operations and Parameters, through the dictionary item Property pages. You can also use Basic Types, Classes, Data Types, Interfaces, Signals and Exceptions as data types.
Type definitions support the representation of constructed data types, that is, a data type that is more complex than a data type that is intrinsic to a system, such as "integer" and "char" for example. Type definitions allow the detailed specification of a data type. This detailed specification covers the form of construction of the typedef, either an alias, array, enumeration or sequence.
Alias—specifies the typedef to be an alias of another data type. For example, detailing the typedef "My Alias" as being an alias of underlying data type "My Class" would effectively translate to:
MyAlias = MyClass;
Array—If the typedef construction is an array, lower and upper boundaries can be specified. For example, detailing the typedef "MyArray" as being an array of underlying data type "float" with lower boundary "0" and upper boundary "10" would effectively translate to:
MyArray = ARRAY[0..10] OF float
Enumeration—The enumeration members can be specified and ordered. For example, detailing the typedef "MyEnum" as being an enumeration with enumeration members "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet", would effectively translate to:
MyEnum = (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
Sequence—If the typedef construction is a sequence, then a minimum and maximum size can be specified. For example, detailing the typedef "MySequence" as being a sequence of underlying data type "long" with maximum size of "20" would effectively translate to, say in IDL:
typedef sequence <long, 20> bounded;
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