Updating OSLC links individually
You can use the OSLC Links Editor tool to individually update the OSLC links. You can individually update the server (for all OSLC links), the version number or the resource identifier (for Windchill Modeler, Windchill RV&S or DOORS NG links) or the parts version and parts ID (for Windchill PDMLink links) of an OSLC link.
Windchill Modeler example
In case of Windchill Modeler, you can update the version of the OSLC resource. The following example link shows how a Modeler OSLC link may look like and how you can update the version of the resource to point to a more specific version instead of pointing to the latest or canonical version of the resource:
Link pointing to the canonical version of the OSLC link (current canonical version):
Updated link pointing to a more specific version of the OSLC link (version 6):
Windchil RV&S Example
For Windchill RV&S, you can update the version of the requirement ID in the OSLC resource. The following example link shows how an Windchill RV&S OSLC link may look like and how you can update the existing version of the requirement ID to point to an updated version of the requirement ID:
Link pointing to older version of the requirement ID (ID is 1523):
Updated link pointing to a different version more specific version of the OSLC link (version 6):
Windchill PDMLink Example
In the case of Windchill PDMLink, you may need to update the parts version and/or parts ID in the OSLC link. The following example link shows how a Windchill PDMLink OSLC link may look like and what elements of the link URL you can change:
Link pointing to an older parts version and/or part ID:
Link pointing to an updated or more recent parts version or part ID:
To update OSLC links individually
1. Open the links editor by clicking Tools > Manage OSLC Links.
2. Click Load from active Model. The Servers section lists all the servers currently connected. When you select a server from the list, the OSLC Links section lists all the OSLC links currently in use in the model.
When you select the Show All OSLC Links in Model, Modeler lists all active OSLC Links in the OSLC Links section, but does not allow you to select any servers from the Servers list. This option is primarily used when you to want to update links individually.
3. From the OSLC Links list, select the link you want to edit. When you select the list, the OSLC Resource section is populated with the individual elements of the selected OSLC link.
4. Update the OSLC Version, Resource Identifier, Parts version or Part ID depending on which product’s OSLC link you are editing. You can locate the correct version of the URL in the Modeler OSLC Browser.
5. Click Build new URI for OSLC Link. The Amended OSLC Links section now displays the old OSLC link and the edited version of the OSLC link.
6. Click Update Modeler. The changes are updated in Modeler. Before closing the OSLC Links Editor dialog, ensure that the updated link is working. If not, you can click Rollback Updates and retry the process.
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