Installation > Getting Started > Installation Components
Installation Components
It is worth taking the time to understand the Modeler components that can be installed.
The Setup Type page of the Modeler installation program makes you choose a Server Only, Client Only or Standalone installation.
The Custom Setup page allows you to change the default installation options that are set up by the Server Only, Client Only or Standalone option you selected. If you require additional components at later date, you can repeat the installation and select additional components to install.
Through the installation program you can also remove components you want to uninstall.
Summary of Components Installed by Default by Each Installation Type
The following table shows which components are installed or selected by default for each installation type.
Server Only Installation
Client Only Installation
Standalone Installation
Microsoft ® SQL Server ® Express 2017
Floating License Server
Example Models and Databases
Model Explorer
Web Interface
Microsoft SQL Server
Stores and runs databases.
SQL Server is installed by default as part of a Standalone and Server Only installation. Microsoft SQL Server Express 2017 runs as a service named SQL Server and supports multi-user access of its databases.
Floating License Server
Manages a server-based floating license through FLEXnet Publisher.
The Floating License Server runs a service on the server (Windchill Modeler License Server) and is installed by default as part of a Server Only installation.
Example Models and Databases
You can install the following Databases:
Empty Databases – an empty database in which you can create your models. The database is named Models when installed.
Examples – a database that contains example models, such as the HSUV model, which is referenced by the Modeler Tutorial.
The models are installed by default as part of a Standalone and Server Only installation.
Model Explorer
Accesses databases that contain models you want to work with. If you want to work with a model, you must locate (and optionally bookmark) its database in Model Explorer. In addition, Model Explorer allows you to manage models, for example, importing, exporting and versioning of models.
Model Explorer is installed as part of a Standalone, Server Only and Client Only installation.
Modeler Model Editor
Maintains models that are stored in a database.
Modeler is the main tool for developing a model and it is installed by default as part of a Standalone and Client Only installation.
Web Interface
Allows users to view Models through their web browser.
Optional tools that perform functions such as document generation and code generation. Most of the add-ins are installed by default as part of a Standalone and Client Only installation, however, some add-ins are dependent on other applications being installed. For example, Integration for IBM Rational DOORS is installed only if IBM Rational DOORS is installed.
Windows .NET Framework and Java SE Runtime Environment
For information about the which versions of the Windows .NET Framework is installed, see the Modeler Release Notes.
The Modeler installation program installs the following applications:
Windows .NET Framework – to install Windows .NET Framework you require Windows Installer 3.1 or later installed on your computer.
Installing the Windows .NET Framework can take up to 10 minutes; during installation, the Cancel button on the dialog is not available.
Java SE Runtime Environment – required by XMI Import/Export. If you want to use XMI Import/Export, you must download and install the 32–bit version of Java 8 JRE.
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