Installation > Getting Started > Administrator Rights Required for Installing Modeler
Administrator Rights Required for Installing Modeler
Modeler is an enterprise-scale product that runs on the Microsoft SQL Server database service. Therefore, it is very important (particularly for Server Only installations) to understand the required environment so that installations of Modeler are successful.
Standalone Installations
A Standalone installation is intended for local use. When performing a Standalone installation, log on to Windows as a user that has local administrator rights.
Client Only Installations
When performing a Client Only installation, log on to Windows as a user that has local administrator rights.
Administrator Rights Required during Installation
Successful installation of Modeler requires a basic understanding of domain administration and network administration issues.
Windows can be set up in multiple ways, especially with regard to security and user rights. If you attempt to install Modeler without having the appropriate rights on the computer and its domain, the installation may not be successful. To avoid these problems, all Modeler installations require you to log on to Windows with Administrator rights. The following examples illustrate why this is the case:
The installation program adds information to the Windows registry. On many Windows networks, it is common for registries to be protected using user rights. Logging on with Administrator rights means that the installation will not encounter access permission problems.
The Server Only and Standalone installations install a service named Microsoft SQL Server. Typically, user rights are set to stop users changing Windows services, therefore, Administrator rights are required to ensure that the Microsoft SQL Server service is set up correctly.
If you choose to install Web Interface, the installation program creates a PTC-IM-WSU user account on the local computer.
The Local PTC-IM-WSU User Account
If you choose to install Web Interface, the installation program creates a Windows user account named PTC-IM-WSU. The Web Interface website uses the PTC-IM-WSU user account to access models. During the install of Web Interface you must set a password for the PTC-IM-WSU account. You can accept the default password, or enter a new password. The default password for the PTC-IM-WSU user account is: P8=:nc((pgChTt%f
It is recommended that you change the password of the PTC-IM-WSU user account to make it secure. The password can be changed during the Modeler installation process, or after installation by updating the PTC-IM-WSU Windows user account.
After changing the PTC-IM-WSU password, you must use Internet Information Services (IIS) to update the Windchill Modeler Web Interface application pool to use the new password.
See Licensing a Web Interface website and selecting the databases it can access for more information.
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