Items function (automation interface)
Items ("<association>")
Items ("<association>","<index>")
<association> is a string that specifies the association type to use to find objects. Identifying associations...
<index> is a string that specifies the name (typically) of objects to find through the specified association. You can use wildcards, where '?' looks for a single character and '*' looks for multiple characters. Tell me more...
The Items Function returns a collection of objects in the requested association.
You may request a collection object by specifying the association only. Alternatively you may narrow the selection by using the index on the default property, usually the object's Name . If you pass an object you can test for other objects related in the requested association.
The collection object contains zero, one or more objects in the requested association.
This example sets objClasses to all Classes in the dictionary:
Set objClasses = Dictionary.Items("Class")
This example sets objClass to the Class named "DDIT":
Set objClass = Dictionary.Items("Class","DDIT")
This example sets objClasses to all Classes that begin with 'Class':
Set objClasses = Dictionary.Items("Class", "Class*")
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