Customization > Automation Interface > Working with Object Attributes and Associations (Item Properties and Links) > Finding out more information about an error (automation interface)
Finding out more information about an error (automation interface)
Sometimes you may experience problems when setting item properties or adding items to a model. If these problems result in an error message such as 'Failed to add item' or 'Failed to set property', you can find out more information about the problem through the ExtendedErrorInfo property.
When an error is generated against an item, the shared ExtendedErrorInfo property is updated with a more detailed description of the problem. The ExtendedErrorInfo property then remains unchanged until another error occurs.
In this example, the extended error information for Class1 is displayed in a message box.
Set objItem = Dictionary.Item("Class", "Class1")
strInfo = objItem.Property("ExtendedErrorInfo")
Call Msgbox(strInfo)
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