Customization > Automation Interface > Object Attributes and Associations > Actual variant parameter (automation interface)
Actual variant parameter (automation interface)
An Actual Variant Parameter object is used to store the value of a Variant that has been set for a Decision Set through the Decision Set Editor or Variant Selector.
An Actual Variant Parameter object is not shown in Modeler as an item, but the value that is set for the String Value attribute can appear in the Decision Set Editor or Variant Selector.
A Decision Set object is linked to an Actual Variant Parameter through the Actual Variant Parameter association.
In addition to the common attributes
String Value
A string property that specifies the value that has been set for the parameter of a Variant in the context of a Decision Set. in Modeler, this value is set through the Decision Set Editor or Variant Editor.
Access is read/write.
In addition to the common associations
Relationship to Variant Parameter object whose value is set through the Actual Variant Parameter object.
Multiplicity is 1, access is read/write.
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