Creating a value type (IDL code)
1. In the Packages pane, locate the Package or Model that is to own the Value Type.
2. Right-click the Package or Model, point to New > Class Model, and then click Class.
3. Type the name of the Value Type, and then press the Enter key.
4. Right-click the Class, point to Links > Stereotypes, and then click CORBAValue.
5. If you want the Value Type declaration to use the custom keyword:
a. On the Value Type's Property Pages, click the CORBAValue tab.
b. Set the tagged value of the isCustom tag definition to TRUE.
6. If you want the Value Type declaration to use the truncatable keyword:
a. On the Value Type's Property Pages, click the CORBAValue tab.
b. Set the tagged value of the isTruncatable tag definition to TRUE.
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