Component part mapping for IDL (IDL code)
In the Component Deployment Plan (CDP) file that is generated for a Deployment Plan, ACS generates the following elements for Component Parts that are deployed to that Deployment Plan's Processes:
An Instance element for the Component Part.
An Implementation element for the Component Part's type (a Component).
<component>_svnt and <component>_exec Artifact elements for the Component Part's type (a Component).
When a Component owns a Component Part, the Component is an assembly and ACS does not generate an IDL file for that Component.
ACS does not generate any code for a Component Part until all a Component's Components Parts are deployed to Processes.
ACS generates code similar to this:
<implementation xmi:id="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7">
<artifact xmi:idref="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7_svnt"/>
<artifact xmi:idref="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7_exec"/>
<name>component factory</name>
<instance xmi:id="_111">
<implementation xmi:idref="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7"/>
<artifact xmi:id="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7_svnt">
<artifact xmi:id="_6c2ab4f9-2c22-4bef-b242-4770d78e64d7_exec">
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