Web Interface and Publisher > Publisher > Creating and customizing Publisher styles > Using Publisher styles from a remote computer (Publisher)
Using Publisher styles from a remote computer (Publisher)
When you use Publisher styles from a remote computer, any Publisher Styles defined on your computer will not be available for selection.
To make Publisher styles on a computer available for other computers to use:
1. From the computer on which the Publisher Styles you want to share resides, locate the DocumentGeneration folder.
The path of the DoucmentGeneration folder is as follows.
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Publisher\Stylesheets\DocumentGeneration
2. Through Windows Explorer, share the DocumentGeneration folder and name the Share 'DocumentGeneration'.
To use Publisher styles from a remote computer:
1. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the docgen.xml file on your computer.
The docgen.xml file resides in the following folder.
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Publisher\XMLCatalog
2. Locate the entry that starts with '<rewriteURI uriStartString='.
Change the text of the entry from this:
<rewriteURI uriStartString="http://www.artisansoftwaretools/DocumentGeneration/" rewritePrefix="file:///C:/ProgramData/PTC%20Integrity%20Modeler/Publisher/Stylesheets/DocumentGeneration/"></rewriteURI>
To this:
<rewriteURI uriStartString="http://www.artisansoftwaretools/DocumentGeneration/" rewritePrefix="file://///<remote computer>/<shared folder>/"/>
<remote computer> is the full computer name of the remote computer.
<shared folder> is the name of the shared DocumentGeneration folder on the remote controller.
Important: Notice that the three forward slashes have been replaced by five forward slashes.
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