Basic type mapping for C# (C# code)
ACS generates code for Basic Types as part of the code that is generated for the Modeler item that uses the Basic Type as a type.
The C# Profile package includes the C# predefined types in the following package:
C# Profile::C# Basic Types
ACS generates the child items, properties and tagged values of a Basic Type as follows.
Child items:
A Basic Type does not have any child items that are generated.
ACS generates the Name property as the identifier of the basic type in the code.
Note that ACS may modify the Type Definition name that is added to the code to make it valid for C#. You can specify the exact identifier to add to the code through the CODE_GENERATION_NAME property of a Type Definition. Tell me more...
Tag Definitions:
The C# Profile does not have any Stereotypes that apply to Basic Types.
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