After creating a Rule (Operational), use the Full Text property to specify the text of that Rule (Operational).
When you create a Rule (Operational) it is applied to the owning element, unless the owning element is an Architectural Description, Logical Data Model or Service Description. You can apply a Rule (Operational) to many elements.
• From an appropriate diagram: click the
Note Link button, click the Rule (Operational), and then click the element to which the Rule (Operational) applies.
OV-6a Operational Rules Model is useful for viewing which Rule (Operational) elements are applied to operational elements.
There are no relationships that are of significant importance to a Rule (Operational).
The following sections provide information about how a Rule (Operational) is used in the model.
The following writeable properties are available on the Rule (Operational) tab of a Rule (Operational) element's Property Pages: