What’s new in Windchill Modeler 9.5
What’s new in Windchill Modeler 9.5
Windchill Modeler 9.5 delivers several important improvements in the areas of usability, user experience and digital product traceability with OSLC.
Windchill Modeler 9.5 provides a new tool called Creator, which you can use to create multiple model items and diagrams quickly and easily. This new feature provides an optimum user experience, is simple to learn and use and will help you create design models and diagrams as efficiently as possible. This simple, easy to use tool is especially valuable for new users who are starting to learn Modeler and create models. The Creator also guides the user with filters and text searching, making it easy to locate the correct item or diagram types to be created, even without prior knowledge of UML or SysML. For more information, see the The Creator pane.
Improved Context Menu
Windchill Modeler 9.5 includes usability improvements in the right-click context menu. This now displays a list of "frequently used" menu items at the top, providing a way to easily locate and access the functions that you use most often. The context menu also provides a simple text filter, so you can easily locate menu items by typing in text. For example, typing in "Use" will filter the context menu and only show menu actions with "Use" in the name, such as New\Use Case and New\Use Case Diagram. Both features make it much easier to find and access the functions you want. For more information, refer topic Using the context menu.
Improved Automatic Link Routing in Diagrams
Windchill Modeler 9.5 also delivers improvements and refinements to link auto-routing features that are used when creating links on diagrams. First, the routing logic has been optimized to reduce overlapping/crossing of lines, as well as reduce situations where lines overlap symbols. Links are now automatically rerouted when diagram symbols are re-sized, either manually or because of changes to compartments. Auto-routing now has better handling of waypoints that are added manually when determining an optimum path, giving you more control over link placement. In addition to these improvements, there are further enhancements delivered via a custom profile, which is available from the PTC Community. This profile allows auto-routing to be disabled for specific diagrams, or for all diagrams of a certain type (e.g., Variant diagrams). It also allows you to alter the routing algorithm priorities, for example you can increase the priority of ensuring lines don’t cross. All together, these enhancements further improve the diagramming user experience and make it easier to create and modify complex diagrams. To access the auto-routing profile, go the Windchill Systems/Software Engineering sub-community on the PTC Community website. For more information on this feature, see Enabling or Disabling Automatic Routing for Specific Diagram Types.
Integration with Siemens Polarion
The final enhancement in Windchill Modeler 9.5 is a new OSLC-based integration with Siemens Polarion. This integration enables design traceability from Windchill Modeler system models to requirements stored in Polarion. Standard OSLC client functions are provided, allowing you to browse and search Polarion for remote requirements, view preview pages and create OSLC Links and Surrogates pointing to the relevant requirements. These capabilities mean you can establish, view, and manage traceability relationships between Modeler system models and Polarion requirements enabling you to understand end-to end traceability and the full impact of design changes. Note that Siemens Polarion 22 R1 is required to use this integration which is planned to be released in April 2022. Contact Siemens for more information on release dates.
Overall Windchill Modeler 9.5 delivers improved usability, user experience and new capabilities for integrating with Siemens Polarion for requirements traceability. For more information, see OSLC Integration with Polarion.