Web Interface and Publisher > Web Interface > Troubleshooting > The Web Interface website is not showing changes that have been made to a resource (Web Interface)
The Web Interface website is not showing changes that have been made to a resource (Web Interface)
After you have viewed a resource's data on a Web Interface website, you may not see changes that are then made to that resource within a web browser session. For example:
After viewing the databases on a server, new databases on that server may not be shown.
After viewing the models in a database, new models in that database may not be shown.
After viewing the versions of a model, new versions of that model may not be shown.
After viewing the child items, related items or properties of a model item; new child items, related items and properties may not be shown.
This can happen because when your web browser repeats the same request to the Web Interface website, it retrieves the data from its local cache, rather than retrieving updated data from the Web Interface website.
To resolve this problem, click the Return to Home button in the Web Interface website user interface, and then navigating back to the resource that requires updating.
Return to Home button
If using the Return to Home button does not resolve the problem, delete the web browser cache so that your web browser reads the latest data from the Web Interface website.