Starting the Waste System simulation
2. On the Simulation tab, ensure that the following buttons are selected, that is, depressed:
Enable Animation button.
Enable Open Diagram Mode.
Log to the Output Pane button.
3. From Windows Explorer, double-click the Waste System application (WasteSystemUI.exe). If you have installed Modeler to the default location, the path of the WasteSystemUI.exe file is as follows:
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Example\Waste System\VB\WasteSystemUI.exe
4. In the Waste System application, ensure that the Auto-Launch check box is selected.
5. Click the Start/Stop button.
After starting the simulation:
• The Waste System application connects with Modeler.
• Modeler loads the Listener.dll.
• Modeler opens the instance diagrams required to animate the simulation. On the cIPEvHdler instance diagram, the red outline indicates that the state machine has entered the Event Handling state.
• The Output pane of Modeler records a log of the simulation session. You can see that the last activity to take place was the Enter Operation for the cIPEvHdler Class.
• After the Power lamp is on, you can interact with the simulation.
For information about interacting with the simulation, see the Related Topics.