Security > Encryption at rest
Encryption at rest
Encryption at rest feature is available with Enterprise Editions of all Modeler-supported SQL Server Versions and, from SQL Server 2019, with its Standard Edition as well. For more information, refer to this topic.
Performance considerations with regards to Windchill Modeler
Impact on performance: According to Microsoft, database performance may be minimally affected; however, as per Modeler QA reports, there is the possibility of only 1% to 2% impact on performance.
Data loss. With transparent data encryption (TDE), there comes an additional task of handling of encryption keys. Loss of encryption keys may result in loss of data.
Encryption at rest in Modeler. Modeler does not provide SQL with Encryption at rest feature. This should be done manually at the customer’s production environment.
Impact on memory and input/output. TDE primarily impacts CPU time and results in increased data input/output.