Defining the content of a custom table (Utilities profile)
There are two ways of finding row items to include in a Custom Table:
• The Custom Table can find row items that are related to the Custom Table's Analyzed Packages.
• The Custom Table can find row items through a reference Tag Definition that is applied to the Custom Table, that is, items that are linked to the Custom Table through the reference Tag Definition or items that are found through a derived reference Tag Definition.
To find it ems that are related to the custom table's analyzed packages:
1. Open the Custom Table's Property Pages.
2. Click the CustomSimpleTable tab.
3. Set the tagged value of the rowItemsStartPoint tag definition to Analyzed Packages.
4. Set the tagged value of the rowItemsRole tag definition to the name of the Modeler Automation Interface role or Profile Helper association you want to use to find items that are related to the Analyzed Packages:
◦ For example, if you wanted to find Actors that are scoped to the Analyzed Packages, you would use the Actor role.
For information about what roles are available through the Modeler Automation Interface for a Package, click here

. Note that the roles are called associations in the Modeler Automation Interface Help.
◦ The Profile Helper associations are additional associations provided to support the PTC profile tables
To list the Profile Helper associations that are available for Packages, right-click a Package, point to Tools, point to Profile Extensions, and then click Wrapper Details. On the Meta Model Viewer, the available Profile Helper associations are listed as subfolders of the Roles folder. For example, you can use the REQUIREMENTS Requirement association to find the Requirements in an analyzed Package.
5. If you do not want to show the scoping of each item that is shown in the table, set the tagged value of the showItemScoping tag definition to FALSE.
6. In the Packages pane, right-click the Custom Table, and select > .
7. For each Package you want use to find items for the Custom Table:
a. In the Link Items pane, select the Package.
b. Click the Link button.
If you want the Custom Table to use all Packages in the model to find row items, click the Unlink All button.
8. Ensure that the analyzed Packages include at least one item that can be included in the Custom Table.
If no items can be found by the Custom Table you will not be able define any columns for that Custom Table.
9. Right-click the Custom Table, and select > .
a. Use the buttons to define each column:
| Creates a new column in the list. Select the column entry, and then click the Property Name cell. From the list, select the required property or role for the new column. The Property Name list lists properties and roles that relate to the row items. |
| Deletes the selected column in the list. |
| Moves the selected column to the top of the list. |
| Moves the selected column up one position in the list. |
| Moves the selected column down one position in the list. |
| Moves the selected column to the bottom of the list. |
b. If you want the name of a property label to be different to that of the property name, specify the label name in the required Label (Optional) cell.
c. If you want to set the width of a property column to a specific size, specify the size in the required Width column.
d. Click OK.
e. From the confirmation dialog, click OK.
To find items through a reference tag definition:
1. Create the reference Tag Definition that returns the items you want to include in the table, and apply the derived reference Tag Definition to the Custom Table through a Stereotype.
The items that are found through the reference Tag Definition are those items that are linked to the Custom Table through the reference Tag Definition or those items that are found through a derived reference Tag Definition.
To apply a Stereotype to a Custom Table, Text Diagram must be a valid model item type for the Stereotype.
2. Open the Custom Table's Property Pages.
3. Click the CustomSimpleTable tab.
4. Set the tagged value of the rowItemsStartPoint tag definition to Table/Matrix.
5. Set the tagged value of the rowItemsRole tag definition to the name of the reference Tag Definition you created.
6. If you do not want to show the scoping of each row item that is shown in the table, set the tagged value of the showItemScoping tag definition to FALSE.
7. Ensure that the reference Tag Definition returns at least one item that can be included in the Custom Table.
If no items can be found by the Custom Table you will not be able define any columns for that Custom Table.
8. Right-click the Custom Table, and select > .
a. Use the buttons to define each column:
| Creates a new column in the list. Select the column entry, and then click the Property Name cell. From the list, select the required property or role for the new column. The Property Name list lists properties and roles that relate to the row items. |
| Deletes the selected column in the list. |
| Moves the selected column to the top of the list. |
| Moves the selected column up one position in the list. |
| Moves the selected column down one position in the list. |
| Moves the selected column to the bottom of the list. |
b. If you want the name of a property label to be different to that of the property name, specify the label name in the required Label (Optional) cell.
c. If you want to set the width of a property column to a specific size, specify the size in the required Width column.
d. Click OK.
e. From the confirmation dialog, click OK.