Creating a diagram filter
Steps to create a diagram filter
1. Open the diagram for which you want to create the filter.
2. On the View tab, click Manage Filters. The Filter Editor opens.
3. Click the icon on the left pane at the bottom of the Filters pane. A new filter opens.
4. Enter a name for the filter.
5. Click the icon in the New Filter pane. The following menu is displayed.
6. You can create the following types of filters:
Creating a filter with rules based on last changed date/time.
Creating a filter with rules based on property values of items.
Creating a filter with rules based on the role of items.
Creating a filter with rules based on item types.
Creating a filter with a collection of rules
You can also create multiple rules in a single filter.
7. When you have multiple filters, you can select appropriate logical operators (AND, OR, or XOR) from the Logic list.
8. You can select the Reversed check box to reverse the rule criteria. Selecting this check box inverts the selected logic and the rule or rules.
9. To share the rule with other users, select the Shared check box.
10. Click Save to save the filter.
The filters once created are stored in your %AppData%\Local\Artisan Software Tools folder with the Filters.XML filename.