Upgrading Web Interface
To upgrade the Web Interface from 8.3, login as PTC-IM-WSU and either:
• note the repositories which are bookmarked in Model Explorer or
• run regedit and export the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Artisan Software Tools\ESsG10\Mappings to a file saved outside this user's profile folders (e.g. C:\programdata\ptcbookmarks.reg)
To upgrade the Web Interface from any previous version, you must select the Web Interface component when installing 9.3. During the upgrade process, a number of configuration files will be removed and re-created. You will be prompted for a password for the PTC-IM-WSU account and should enter your own previous password.
The following files can be found in C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\Install\Upgrade\WebInterface:
• web.config - any custom entries (such as SiteAdminAccoutName, DisableCreatedUser, PTC_ADMembershipConnection and Contact details) must be individually copied into the new web.config file which has been installed in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface. Further details on how to configure these settings may be found in the Help.
If you are upgrading from 8.3, Login as PTC-IM-WSU and either:
• bookmark the repositories in Model Explorer which are bookmarked in 8.3 or
• run regedit and import the file you saved above (e.g. C:\programdata\ptcbookmarks.reg) to restore the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Artisan Software Tools\ESsG10\Mappings
Use IIS Manager to restart the PTC Integrity Model Web Interface website and Application Pool.
After performing an upgrade, you may need to clear your browser cache to see the new changes to Web Interface.