Quick Reviews
Windchill Modeler allows you to perform quick reviews of a model or a selected package from within Modeler. The selected Review report is generated and the result is displayed in the Review Report pane, which will be a minimal report. The Review Report pane can be docked, undocked, removed or resized just as any other panes available in Modeler. However, a detailed report will also be generated in Reviewer in the background, in case you want to save the report for future reference. To use the Quick Review feature, you do not need to explicitly open Reviewer, this is done for you by Modeler itself.
This chapter explains how to perform quick reviews from within Modeler. You can perform the following types of reviews:
Quick Review: A review report is generated for the selected package and all of the items inside the package.
Full Quick Review: A review report is generated for the selected package, all of the items inside the package, and all of the packages and items within the selected package recursively.