Requirement mapping options page (Integration for Windchill RV&S)
This page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager has options that relate to unsynchronized items and how the synchronizationStatus property is updated in Modeler.
Select the required check boxes, and then click Next.
In addition to the common navigation buttons, the following controls appear on this page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager.
Unidirectional Mapping Options group:
Do Not Delete Unsynchronized Items check box:
For a Modeler <- Integrity Lifecycle Manager synchronization, specifies that items in the Modeler Model that have not been synchronized will not be deleted by the synchronization.
For a Modeler <- Integrity Lifecycle Manager synchronization, specifies that items in the Windchill RV&S Document that have not been synchronized will not be deleted by the synchronization.
This check box is not available for Modeler <-> Integrity Lifecycle Manager synchronizations.
Modeler Synchronization Status Flag group:
Set Unmodified Requirements to Undefined check box — specifies how Integration for Lifecycle Manager updates the synchronizationStatus property of Requirements in Modeler.
Integration for Lifecycle Manager can set the synchronizationStatus property of a Modeler Requirement to Added, Modified, Deleted or Undefined, which can be useful for identifying which Requirements in Modeler have been changed by Integration for Lifecycle Manager:
When selected, Integration for Lifecycle Manager updates the synchronizationStatus property of a Requirement in Modeler each time that Requirement is processed by a synchronization.
If a Requirement is processed but not changed, Integration for Lifecycle Manager sets the synchronizationStatus property of the Requirement to Undefined.
This is useful for identifying which Requirements were added, modified or deleted in Modeler by the last synchronization.
When cleared, Integration for Lifecycle Manager updates the synchronizationStatus property of a Requirement in Modeler only when the Requirement is changed by a synchronization.
If a Requirement is processed but not changed, Integration for Lifecycle Manager does not change the synchronizationStatus property of the Requirement.
This is useful when you want to review Requirements in Modeler that have been added, modified or deleted by Integration for Lifecycle Manager, and then manually set their synchronizationStatus property to Undefined after they have been reviewed.
To manually set the synchronizationStatus property of a Requirement in Modeler, right-click the Requirement, and select Set > Synchronization Status. From the dialog, set the required status.
To view which Requirements have their synchronizationStatus property is set to Added, Modified or Deleted: In Modeler, open the Requirements pane, expand the Added Requirements, Modified Requirements and Deleted Requirements folders as required. Alternatively, right-click a Package, and select Report > Added or Report > Deleted or Report > Modified.
To progress through Integration for Lifecycle Manager, click Next.