Property mappings page (Integration for Windchill RV&S)
This page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager allows you to specify which properties of each Model item type are synchronized and which Windchill RV&S fields they are mapped to.
Initially, Modeler item and diagram properties are mapped as follows:
• The Name property is mapped to the 'PTC Modeler: Name' field.
• The Description and Text properties are mapped to the Default Field, as selected on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Document Selection page.
• The id# property is mapped to the ID field.
• The Diagram Image property is mapped to the 'PTC Modeler: Diagram Image' field.
To change the value of a Modeler Property or Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field: double-click the value, and then select the new value.
To add a property to a Modeler item type: select a property of the Modeler item type (or the <No Properties Mapped> entry if no properties are mapped): click Add, select the Modeler property, and then select the Integrity Lifecycle Manager field.
To change whether a mapping that supports RTF is synchronized as RTF or plain text: in the RTF column, double-click the Yes or No text. For a mapping to support RTF, both values must support RTF, that is, both must appear in bold text. Note that Model Object References in Modeler rich text properties are synchronized as text.
To remove a property mapping: select the property mapping and then click Delete.
To remove incompatible or incomplete mappings from the list (those shown with a red background): click the Delete Invalid button.
To copy property mappings to another model item type:
• Select the property mappings you want to copy, and then click Copy or press CTRL+C. Note that the property mappings must belong to the same Modeler item type.
• Select a property mapping of the target model item type (or the <No Properties Mapped> entry if no properties are mapped), and then click Paste or press CTRL+V. Integration for Lifecycle Manager pastes the copied property mappings that are valid for the target model item type.
Important: If you want a diagram image from Modeler to appear in a Windchill RV&S Document, you can map the [Diagram Image] property in Modeler to the 'PTC Modeler: Diagram Image' field in Windchill RV&S.
The following notation is used on this page:
• Italic text- means that the property or field is read-only.
Note that longtext fields that have logging enabled in Windchill RV&S are treated as read-only.
• Bold text - means that the property or field is RTF.
When the property and field are rich text (both shown in bold), you have the option to treat the values as RTF or plain text. When Yes is showing in the RTF column, the values are treated as RTF; when No is shown, the values are treated as plain text. To change how the values are treated, double-click the Yes or No in the RTF column.
• A Gray background - means that the mapping is ignored because it is not compatible for the synchronization direction.
Integration for Lifecycle Manager ignores these invalid property mappings so that if you are using the same Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mapping in different synchronization directions, you do not have to remove the property mapping to perform the synchronization.
• A Red background - means that the Modeler property does not have a mapped Windchill RV&S field, or the mapped field is not compatible.
Property mappings that have a red background must be resolved before you can progress to the next page of the Integration for Lifecycle Manager. You can quickly remove all mappings that have a red background by clicking the Delete Invalid button.
• A Yellow background - means that the property mapping may be incompatible.
• No background color - means that the property and field have compatible types, and the property or field in the target environment is not read-only.
The direction arrows show the direction in which each property is synchronized:

-> Windchill RV&S

<- Windchill RV&S

<-> Windchill RV&S (bidirectional)
How properties are synchronized for a bidirectional mapping
When the synchronization direction is bidirectional, the direction arrows on the Property Mappings page show the direction in which each property is synchronized:
• When the Modeler property is read-only, Integration for Lifecycle Manager performs a unidirectional synchronization to Windchill RV&S.
• When the Windchill RV&S field is read-only, Integration for Lifecycle Manager performs a unidirectional synchronization to Modeler.
• When the Modeler property and Windchill RV&S field are both editable, Integration for Lifecycle Manager performs a bidirectional synchronization:
◦ If the Modeler property has changed (since last being synchronized) and the Windchill RV&S field is unchanged, Integration for Lifecycle Manager synchronizes the changed Modeler value.
◦ If the Windchill RV&S field has changed (since last being synchronized) and the Modeler property is unchanged, Integration for Lifecycle Manager synchronizes the changed Windchill RV&S value.
◦ If the Modeler property and Windchill RV&S field have both changed (since last being synchronized), Integration for Lifecycle Manager reports a clash that you must resolve.
If after synchronizing items you add a new property mapping or change a property mapping, Integration for Lifecycle Manager will treat the property and field values as follows:
• If the Modeler property has a value and the Windchill RV&S field does not have a value, Integration for Lifecycle Manager synchronizes the Modeler value.
• If the Windchill RV&S field has a value and the Modeler property does not have a value, Integration for Lifecycle Manager synchronizes the Windchill RV&S value.
• If the Modeler property has a value and the Windchill RV&S field has a different value, Integration for Lifecycle Manager reports a clash that you must resolve. However, if Integration for Lifecycle Manager can determine which value was last changed, it will synchronize that value.
Modeler Name Properties
Windchill RV&S property values that are synchronized into Modeler Name properties are limited to 200 characters for Diagrams, and 100 characters for all other items. Property values that exceed the limit will be truncated and indicated with an ellipse.
Embedded OLE objects
Integration for Lifecycle Manager can synchronize the following file types when they are embedded as OLE objects in rich text properties, but only when the application associated with the embedded OLE object is installed on the Modeler computer:
• doc (Office)
• docx (Office)
• pdf (Adobe Acrobat)
• ppt (Office)
• pptx (Office)
• xls (Office)
• xlsx (Office)
When a property includes an unsupported file type embedded as an OLE object, or when the file type is supported but the application associated with the embedded OLE object is not installed:
• For a unidirectional synchronization, the property is synchronized but the embedded OLE object is not included. A warning is recorded in the log.
• For a bidirectional synchronization, the property is not synchronized. A warning is recorded in the log.
Examples of why a property mapping can be incompatible
A property mapping can be incompatible for the following reasons:
• The types of the property and field are not compatible for the synchronization direction.
In the following example for a Requirement Mapping, the Last Changed Date property is mapped to the Text (ALM_Text) field in Windchill RV&S.
Notice the synchronization direction arrow and background color for each Object Synchronization Direction:
◦ For Modeler -> Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the target Text (ALM_Text) field is compatible.
◦ For Modeler <- Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the target Last Change Date property may not be compatible.
◦ For Modeler <-> Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the target may not be compatible. This is because the synchronization direction is bidirectional so the target may be the Last Change Date property.
Note that the synchronization direction of a Surrogate Mapping is always Modeler -> Integrity Lifecycle Manager.
• A target property or field is read-only.
In the following example for a Requirement Mapping, the Last Changed property in Modeler is read-only, as indicated by the italic text.
Notice the synchronization direction arrow and background color for each Object Synchronization Direction:
• For Modeler -> Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the target Text (ALM_Text) field is editable so the mapping is compatible.
• For Modeler <- Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the target Last Changed property is read-only so the mapping is ignored.
• For Modeler <-> Integrity Lifecycle Manager - the mapping is compatible. Although the synchronization direction is bidirectional, the mapping is compatible because only the property or field is editable, Integration for Lifecycle Manager treats the synchronization direction as unidirectional to the editable property.
In addition to the common navigation buttons, the following controls appear on this page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager.
• Modeler Property column - lists the Modeler properties that are included in the synchronization for each Modeler item type. Double-click a Modeler property value to change it.
• Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field column - lists the Windchill RV&S fields that are mapped to the Modeler properties. Double-click an Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field value to change it.
• RTF column - shows Yes or No when the Modeler Property and Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field are rich text, which is indicated by bold text. When set to Yes, the values are synchronized as rich text. When set to No, the values are synchronized as plain text. To change the RTF setting, double-click the Yes or No text. Note that Model Object References in Modeler rich text properties are synchronized as text to Windchill RV&S.
• Add button - after selecting a Modeler item property mapping (or the <No Properties Mapped> entry if no properties are mapped), creates a new property mapping for that Modeler item type; select the Modeler Property value, and then select the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field value. Alternatively you can right-click an entry, and then click Add.
• Delete button - deletes the property mappings that are selected in the list. Alternatively you can right-click an entry, and then click Delete.
• Copy button - copies the property mappings that are selected for a single model item type. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+C to copy property mappings. Alternatively you can right-click an entry, and then click Copy.
• Paste button - after selecting a Modeler item property mapping (or the <No Properties Mapped> entry if no properties are mapped), pastes the copied property mappings that are valid for the Modeler item type. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+V to paste property mappings; or right-click an entry, and then click Paste.
• Delete Invalid button - deletes the property mappings that have a red background.
• Private check box - when selected the drop-down lists for Modeler properties include properties that are private and properties that are defined through hidden Tag Definitions.
• Incompatible check box - when selected the drop-down lists include properties and fields that are incompatible in the context of the mapping.
To progress through Integration for Lifecycle Manager: click Next.
Note that the Next button is available only when each listed Modeler item type has at least one property mapping listed, each listed property is mapped to an Integrity Lifecycle Manager Field, and there are no incompatible mappings (mappings shown with a red background).