Web Interface and Publisher > Publisher > What's new in Publisher (Publisher)
What's new in Publisher (Publisher)
The Publisher provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in the Publisher 8.4
The Publisher provided with Modeler 8.4 did not include any significant changes.
What was new in the Publisher 8.3
The Publisher provided with Modeler 8.3 included the following significant changes:
New Custom Revision History assigned item.
New Distribution List assigned item.
New Custom Table assigned item.
For more information refer to Adding a Custom Table to Document structure
The files relating to Publisher Styles are now installed to a subfolder of the ProgramData folder. Previously these files were installed to a subfolder of the Program Files folder.
What was new in the Publisher 8.2
This section provides information about what was new in the Publisher 8.2.
The Publisher provided with Modeler 8.2 includes the following significant changes:
Publisher has been rebranded and is now called Windchill Modeler Publisher.
The provided Publisher Style that was previously named Atego is now named PTC.
What was new in the Publisher 8.1
This section provides information about what was new in the Publisher 8.1.
In addition to bug fixes:
New buttons within the Document Structure pane for creating document structure items.
For more information refer to Overview of Document Structures
New buttons within the Default pane for creating document structure items with assigned items, child roles and child types.
For more information refer to Default Pane (Publisher)
The name of the Renderer pane has been changed to the Generate pane.
The Publication pane has been removed. Its content has been moved to the Generate pane.
The term Render in the user interface has been replaced by Generate.
The properties that appear in the Properties pane have been significantly changed from those that appeared in Publisher 8.0. Properties have been removed, renamed and reorganized to improve usability.
The Paper.Type document property that specifies the paper size of a generated document can now be set to Tabloid. See Document properties - formatting parameter properties (Publisher).
The Publisher HTML Output now allows diagram zooming through the mouse wheel and includes an option to show larger icons in the left pane, which is useful when using touch screens. See Working with the Publisher HTML output format (Publisher).