Administration > SQL Server Administration > Upgrading Microsoft SQL Server
Upgrading Microsoft SQL Server
Before upgrading to Windchill Modeler 9.4, ensure that you upgrade your SQL Server from 2014 or 2016 (or any older version) to a supported version as Windchill Modeler 9.4 does not support SQL Server versions 2016 or older. This topic explains how to upgrade your SQL Server.
To upgrade Microsoft SQL Server
Before beginning the upgrade, ensure to take a backup of all your databases. For instructions on how to back up your database, see Backing up a Database.
1. Remove SQL Server 2016 or any older version of SQL that you may have installed on your computer.
2. Install SQL Server 2017 or any supported version. Refer to the Release Notes document.
3. Begin installation of Windchill Modeler 9.4. While installing, on the Default Modeler Instance dialog, enter the instance of the newly installed SQL Server.
Complete the installation of Modeler.
4. Restore the databases/models to the repository. For instructions on how to back up your database, see Restoring a Database.