SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Products and elements - MODAF aliases > Elements > Resource constraint (UPDM - MODAF aliases)
Resource constraint (UPDM - MODAF aliases)
To create a Resource Constraint:
From an Architectural Description, Physical Data Model or Service Description: right-click the Architectural Description or Service Description, point to New, point to MODAF, point to System, and then click Resource Constraint.
From a Capability Configuration, Energy, Entity Item, Exchange Element, Function, Geo Political Extent Type, Materiel, Node, Organization, Physical Architecture, Post, Resource Artifact, Role Type, Security Domain, Service Access and Software: right-click the element, point to New, point to MODAF, and then click Resource Constraint.
After creating a Resource Constraint, use the Full Text property to specify the text of that Resource Constraint.
Applying to elements
When you create a Resource Constraint it is applied to the owning element, unless the owning element is an Architectural Description, Physical Data Model or Service Description. You can apply a Resource Constraint to many elements.
To apply a Resource Constraint to an element:
From an appropriate diagram: click the Note Link button, click the Resource Constraint, and then click the element to which the Resource Constraint applies.
To apply a Resource Constraint to an element:
Right-click the Resource Constraint, point to Links, and then click Resource Constrained Element. From the Links Editor, select the elements to which the Resource Constraint applies.
Right-click the element, point to Links, point to Applied, and then click Resource Constraint. From the Links Editor, select the Resource Constraint elements that apply to the element.
An SV-10a Resource Constraints Specification can show which Resource Constraint elements are applied to system elements.
There are no relationships that are of significant importance to a Resource Constraint.
The following sections provide information about how a Resource Constraint is used in the model.
Create a Resource Constraint from
Create from a Resource Constraint
Only the UPDM elements that can be created from all UPDM elements ( Alias, Definition, Information and Metadata).
Shown on these diagrams, tables and matrices
In addition to the AV-2 Integrated Dictionaryand TV-1 Standards Profile, which can show all UPDM elements:
UPDM writeable properties
The following writeable properties are available on the Resource Constraint tab of a Resource Constraint element's Property Pages: