%message – a debug facility (SDL script)
This topic applies to TDK SDL script extensions. For more information, see Overview of SDL script extensions for TDK (SDL script).
SDL Script Extensionsfor TDK:
%message %red "Hello. My name is " & %custom "Name"
%m %red "Hello. My name is " & %custom "Name"
The %message or %m keyword outputs the expression specified on its right to the ACS window, which is very useful when debugging.
Output can be colored by means of optional color specifiers: %red, %blue, %green, %gray or %grey, %black and %pink.
%red":IsRed | "%blue":IsBlue | "%green":IsGreen | ("%gray" | "%grey"):IsGray | "%black":IsBlack | "%pink":IsPink | "%lc":IsLast | "%rc":IsReset | "%col":IsCol Expr;
In the following example, a message 'Hello' is displayed using red text in the ACS window when the line is executed.
%message %red "Hello"