Populating missing links on a profile diagram
You can populate missing Generalizations, Extensions, reference Tag Definitions and Dependencies.
To populate missing generalizations:
Right-click the background of the diagram, and select Populate > Inheritance.
Modeler adds missing Generalizations that exist between Stereotypes that are shown on the diagram.
Right-click a Stereotype, and select Populate > Sub Stereotypes.
Modeler adds missing sub Stereotypes of the Stereotype, and adds any missing Generalizations that link the Stereotype to its sub Stereotypes.
Right-click a Stereotype, and select Populate > Super Stereotypes.
Modeler adds missing super Stereotypes of the Stereotype, and adds any missing Generalizations that link the Stereotype to its super Stereotypes.
To populate missing extensions:
Right-click the background of the diagram, and select Populate > Meta Class Links.
Modeler adds missing Extensions that exist between Stereotypes and Meta Model Types that are shown on the diagram.
Right-click a Stereotype, and select Populate > Meta Types.
Modeler adds missing Meta Model Types that are linked to the Stereotype through Extensions, and adds any missing Extensions that link the Stereotype to Meta Model Types.
To populate missing reference tag definitions:
Right-click the background of the diagram, and select Populate > Reference Tags.
Modeler adds missing Reference Tags that exist between items that are shown on the diagram.
Right-click a Stereotype, and select Populate > Reference Tags.
Modeler adds missing Meta Model Types and Stereotypes that are linked to the Stereotype through reference Tag Definitions, and adds any missing reference Tag Definitions that link the Stereotype to Meta Model Types and Stereotypes.
To populate missing reference tag definitions:
Right-click the background of the diagram, and select Populate > Dependencies.
Modeler adds missing Dependencies that exist between items that are shown on the diagram.
Right-click a Stereotype or Package, and select Populate > Dependents.
Modeler adds missing Stereotypes and Packages that are dependents of the item you right-clicked, and adds any missing Dependencies that link the item you right-clicked to its dependent Stereotypes and Packages.
Right-click a Stereotype or Package, and select Populate > Dependees.
Modeler adds missing Stereotypes and Packages that are dependees of the item you right-clicked, and adds any missing Dependencies that link the item you right-clicked to its dependee Stereotypes and Packages.