How do I debug my scripts?
To help you debug your script in Modeler, you can use message boxes (MsgBox "<text>"), or send messages to the Modeler output pane (DisplayOutputWindowMessage "<text>").
If you want to perform more advanced debugging, you can add your script to a Visual Basic component and debug the script using the Visual Basic facilities.
If you want a Visual Basic or C# application to work with Modeler on a 64-bit Windows operating system, you must build the application to run as a 32-bit application. To do this, set the Target CPU up as X86 on the Advanced Compilation dialog.
To create a scripting DLL in Visual Basic 6:
1. Start Visual Basic.
2. On the File menu, click New Project.
3. Select ActiveX Dll as the new project type.
4. The Public methods you create in the instantiable class module will be used as the COM interface to your new component.
5. Build and register the DLL.
6. Create an instance of, and call, your new DLL from the appropriate script in Modeler.
To create a scripting DLL in VisualBasic .Net:
1. Start Visual Basic.
2. Click New Project.
3. Choose the Class Library template for the new project.
4. The Public methods you create in the default public class will be used as the interface to your new component.
5. On the Project menu, click <project name> Properties.
6. Set the Configuration to All Configurations.
7. Select the Register for COM Interop check box.
8. Build the Solution and ensure in the build log that the COM interop is registered.
9. Create an instance of, and call, your new DLL from the appropriate script in Modeler.