Installation > Performing an Upgrade > Upgrading DOORs Sychronizer Mappings from 8.0 or Earlier
Upgrading DOORs Sychronizer Mappings from 8.0 or Earlier
No migration will be required for the DOORs Synchronizer when upgrading from 8.1 or later. If upgrading from an earlier version, ensure you have a backup of any synchronized DOORs modules and Integrity Modeler models before first synchronizing with 9.3. You may also want to baseline your DOORs module and version your model so make it easy to review any changes made by the DOORs Synchronizer.
Mappings for the DOORs Synchronizer can be upgraded from Artisan Studio 7.3 or later, but if you have not already upgraded to 8.0, manual changes may be required, as follows:
DOORs Synchronizer Requirements mappings now include Actors, Use Case Diagrams and Requirement Diagrams. If your mapping is bi-directional or Studio to DOORs, these objects will automatically be added to your DOORs module when resynchronized. If your mapping is DOORs to Studio, these items will be deleted from (or marked as deleted in) your model. To avoid them being deleted from your model, you can enable the new "Keep unsynchronized items" option.
On the Types To Synchronize page, if your model uses any Stereotypes which 'Override Type Name' and 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types', then these Stereotypes may not be selected. Either disable the 'Override Type Name' option on the Stereotypes, or select them here if you want to continue synchronizing their stereotyped items with DOORs, otherwise these will be deleted from DOORs. In the latter case, when resynchronized, the stereotyped items will appear under their own heading if using the Group By Type option.
Check that other types are still selected correctly in the mapping.
Click Next >. On the Property Mapping page, scroll down to any selected properties and ensure that the types they should apply to are selected.
Click Next >. Under Association Types, scroll down to any selected Associations and check that the types they should apply to are selected.
Artisan Studio 8.0 (or later) allows synchronization of objects to/from multiple models with one DOORs module. Before using this feature, the existing mapping must be resynchronized to upgrade the original DOORs module.
When using a 'Group By Type' Surrogate module mapping, if an error is logged that 'One or more DOORS objects were found with duplicate Studio IDs' this may relate to Stereotypes synchronized as both headings and as objects under a 'Stereotype' heading. To resolve this, delete the problem objects under the 'Stereotype' heading from your DOORs module and resynchronize.
After the upgrade, RTF properties (such as Operation Bodies) may cause a difference to be reported when first synchronized. If so, choose to keep the Studio values and continue with the synchronization.
The way diagram images are exported to DOORs has changed which may affect links to or from any diagram objects in DOORs. Please see Help topic: "Updating DOORS modules created through Artisan DOORS synchronizer 7.4 or earlier (DOORS synchronizer)" for further details.