Setting up how Web Interface Website Accounts Work
If you are using Web Interface website account authentication, you should review the configuration options that are available. For example, you can set the minimum password length and whether passwords can be retrieved through a security question.
To Set up How Web Interface Website Accounts Work:
1. From the computer that is hosting the Web Interface website, ensure that the Web Interface website is not running:
a. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager: from the Run text box, type inetmgr, and then press the Enter key.
b. In the Connections pane, select Application Pools.
c. In the Application Pools pane, select the Windchill Modeler Web Interface entry.
d. If the Status of the Web Interface website is Started, in the Actions pane click the Stop link.
2. From the computer that is hosting the Web Interface website, locate the web.config file. The web.config file resides in the following location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface
3. Create a backup of the web.config file.
4. Using a text editor, open the web.config file.
5. By default, a Web Interface website is set up so that Web Interface website accounts need to be approved by the website administrator.
a. In the web.config file, find the DisableCreatedUser key.
b. Set the value of the DisableCreatedUser key to false.
6. By default, the Remember Me check box is shown on the Log In page of the Web Interface website.
When a user selects the Remember Me check box they can leave the website without logging out (not recommended) and return within the authorization timeout period without the need to log in again.
To remove the Remember Me check box from the Log In page:
a. In the web.config file, find the EnableRememberMe key.
b. Set the value of the EnableRememberMe key to false.
7. By default, when creating a new account, the Security Question and Security Answer boxes are shown on the Register page of the Web Interface website.
The security question and answer feature allows users to retrieve and reset their account passwords.
To remove the Security Question and Security Answer boxes from the Register page, so that users cannot retrieve their account passwords:
a. In the web.config file, find the requiresQuestionAndAnswer key.
b. Set the value of the requiresQuestionAndAnswer key to false.
8. By default, each account requires a unique email address.
To allow different accounts to use the same email address:
a. In the web.config file, find the requiresUniqueEmail key.
b. Set the value of the requiresUniqueEmail key to false.
9. By default, a user's session will time out if they are inactive for 240 minutes.
To change the time taken before a user's session times out:
a. In the web.config file, locate the entry that starts with <forms.
b. Change the timeout value from its default value of 240 to the desired value.
10. By default, a user's password must be a minimum of eight characters, and it must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character.
To change the minimum length of a password:
a. In the web.config file, find the minRequiredPasswordLength key.
b. Set the value of the minRequiredPasswordLength key to the minimum length you require.
To change the number of non-alphanumeric characters that are required in a password:
a. In the web.config file, find the minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters key.
b. Set the value of the minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters key to the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters you require.
11. By default, a user has a maximum of three failed log in attempts before their account is locked out.
To change the number of failed log in attempts a user can have before their account is locked out:
a. In the web.config file, find the maxInvalidPasswordAttempts key.
b. Set the value of the maxInvalidPasswordAttempts key to the required value.
12. Save the changes you have made to the web.config file.
After setting up how Web Interface website accounts work, you can launch the website so that it is available to users. See Testing and launching a Web Interface website.