Class mappings (Connector for IBM Rational Rose)
All Classes in the selected Packages are imported. The following items are also imported:
Nested Classes
Attributes of the Classes.
Operations (and their Parameters) of the Classes.
Associations that link the Classes.
Generalizations that link the Classes.
Dependencies that link the Classes.
Realize relationships that link the Classes.
For information about how the preceding items are imported, see to open the Class Diagram Mappings (for import) topic.
If a Class in Rose does not have a name, it is named Class.<Rose ID of Class> when imported to Modeler.
Each Class is created as a Class in the Modeler. The following properties are imported.
Rose Property
Modeler Property
Not Persistent, that is, the Persistent check box is cleared.
If a Class is stereotyped in Rose, a Stereotype of the same name is applied to the Class in Modeler (Connector for IBM Rational Rose creates the Stereotype if required). If the following Stereotypes are applied to a Rose Class through the ANSI C++ or VC++ language, addition mappings are also made
Rose ANSI C++/VC++ Stereotype
Each «enum» stereotyped Class is created as a Type Definition.
The Type Definition has Enum Construction and each of the Rose Class' Attributes is created as an Enumeration Literal.
If the C Profile or C++ Profile is present in the model, Connector for IBM Rational Rose applies the C Enum Literal/C++ Enum Literal to each Enumeration Literal so that the initial value can be imported to the tagged value of the C Expression/C++ Expression tag definition.
Each «interface» stereotyped Class is created as an Interface.
Each «struct» stereotyped Class is created as a Data Type.
Each «typedef» stereotyped Class is created as a Type Definition.
Each «union» stereotyped Class is created as a Union Class, that is, the Union check box is selected.
If a Class has the ANSI C++ language assigned, Connector for IBM Rational Rose imports the following properties (BodySourceFile and HeaderSourceFile properties are not imported):
Rose ANSI C++ Property
Modeler Property
If ImplementationType value is single-lined and fewer than 101 characters - Data Type of Type Definition created for «typedef» stereotyped Class.
If ImplementationType value is multi-lined or greater than 100 characters - Tagged value of CplusplusImplementationType tag definition.
Important: To import ImplementationType values that are multi-lined or greater than 100 characters, you must create a CplusplusImplementationType tag definition and apply it through a Stereotype to Type Definitions.
If a Class has the VC++ language assigned, Connector for IBM Rational Rose does not import the CodeFileName and HeaderFileName properties.