Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For Models > GetBranchReport function (automation interface)
GetBranchReport function (automation interface)
GetBranchReport (\\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>\<model>\<version>")
<server> is a string that specifies the name of the server on which the Database resides. The case of the name must be correct.
<database> is a string that specifies the name of the Database that owns the Model from which you want to get the branch report. The case of the name must be correct.
<model> is a string that specifies the name of the Model from which you want to get the branch report. The case of the name must be correct.
<version> is a string that specifies the version of the Model from which you want to get the branch report. If the Model has not been versioned, the version is 0.
This GetBranchReport function returns the model family report for the model version.
This example gets the branch report of version 0 of the MyModel model in the MyDatabase database.
Set objManager = CreateObject("Studio.ModelManager")
strReport = objManager.GetBranchReport("\\SQL\MyServer@MODELER\MyDatabase\MyModel\0")