Deployment plan editor (IDL code)
The Deployment Plan Editor allows you to perform the following tasks:
Create and delete Processes and Locality Constraints.
Apply a Locality Constraint to a Component Part (and unapply a Locality Constraint from a Component Part).
Allocate a Process to a Node (and unallocate a Process from a Node).
Deploy a Component Part to a Process (and undeploy a Component Part from a Process).
Set the default values for Attributes and Roles of Component Parts, Connectors and Process Types (in the context of the Deployment Plan).
Set values for Attributes and Roles that are used by Component Parts, Connector Instances and Processes (in the context of the Deployment Plan).
Set values for Attributes and Roles that are used by Connector Instances fragments (in the context of the Deployment Plan).
The OK button saves any changes you have made to the model and closes the Deployment Plan Editor.
The Cancel button closes the Deployment Plan Editor without saving any changes to the model.
To open the Deployment Plan Editor:
Right-click the Deployment Plan you want to change, and then click Edit Plan.
Double-click the Deployment Plan you want to change.
To create a process:
1. In the Component & Values pane, right-click the Available Processes folder, and then click Add Process.
2. Type the name of the Process, and then press the Enter key.
To allocate a process to a node:
1. In the Components & Values pane, expand the Available Processes folder, and locate the Process you want to allocate.
2. In the Deployment tab, locate the Node to which you want to allocate the Process.
3. Drag the Process to the Node.
After allocating the Process, the Process appears below the Node in the Deployment tab, and its icon appears as follows: . A Process can be allocated to only one Node.
To deploy a component part to a process:
1. In the Components & Values pane, expand the Available Components folder and the Components and any Components Parts as appropriate to locate the Component Part you want to deploy.
Ensure that you locate the Component Part in the correct context.
2. In the Deployment tab, expand the appropriate Node and locate the Process to which you want to deploy the Component Part.
3. Drag the Component Part to the Process.
After deploying the Component Part, the Component Part appears below the Process in the Deployment tab, and its icon appears as follows: . A Component Part can be deployed to only one Process.
To create a locality constraint:
In the Locality Constraints tab, right-click in free space, select Add Locality Constraint, and click the command that is appropriate for the Locality Kind of the Locality Constraint you want to create:Same Node Any Process,Same Node Same Process,Same Node Different Process,Different Node,Different Process orNo Constraint.
To apply a locality constraint to a component part:
1. In the Components & Values pane, expand the Available Components folder and the Components and any Components Parts as appropriate to locate the Component Part you want to apply.
Ensure that you locate the Component Part in the correct context.
2. In the Locality Constraints tab, locate the Locality Constraint that you want to apply to the Component Part.
3. Drag the Component Part to the Locality Constraint.
After applying the Locality Constraint, the Component Part appears below the Locality Constraint in the Deployment tab.
To set the default value of an attribute or role for allcomponent parts, connectorinstancesor processes:
This task sets the default value of an Attribute or Role for all the Component Parts, Connector Instances or Processes in the context of the Deployment Plan. The default value can then be overridden for an individual Component Part, Connector Instance or Process.
1. In the Components & Values pane, right-click the Default Values folder, and then click Add Default.
2. In the Type Selector dialog:
a. In the Types list, select the type of the item that owns the attribute or role, that is, eitherIDLComponent,IDLConnector, or DnCProcessType:
Select IDLComponent to set default values for Component Parts.
Select IDLConnector to set default values for Connector Instances.
Select IDLProcessType to set default values for Processes.
b. In the Existing Type pane, select the Component, Connector or Process Type that owns the attribute or role.
c. Click OK.
3. In the Components & Values pane, expand the item you have added and locate the Attribute or Role for which you want to set a default value.
4. Double-click the Attribute or Role you want to set; or select the Attribute or Role you want to set and then press F2.
5. In the dialog, type the default value, and then click OK.
The default value you set is shown in the Override Value column for the Attribute or Role. When a Component Part or Process uses the Attribute or Role, the set value appears in the Default Value column for that context.
Note that the value applies to that Attribute or Role only in the context of the current Deployment Plan.
To set the value of an attribute or role for a component part, connector instance or process:
This task overrides the default value of an Attribute or Role for a Component Part, Connector Instance or Process (or sets a value if no default value has been defined) in the context of the Deployment Plan.
1. In the Components & Values pane, locate the Component Part, Connector Instance or Process for which you want to override the Attribute or Role value.
Ensure that you locate the Component Part or Connector Instance in the correct context.
2. Expand the Component Part, Connector Instance or Process, and locate the Attribute or Role.
3. Double-click the Attribute or Role you want to set; or select the Attribute or Role you want to set and then press F2.
4. In the dialog, type the override value, and then click OK.
The override value you set is shown in the Override Value column for the Attribute or Role.
Note that the override value applies to that Attribute or Role only in the context of the current Deployment Plan and the item that uses it.
To set the value of an attribute or role for a connector instance fragment:
ACS generates a Connector Instance fragment from a Connector Instance for each connected Extended Port. The Attributes and Roles of a Connector Instance fragment initially have their value set through the Connector Instance.
This task overrides the value of an Attribute or Role from the Connector Instance in the context of the Deployment Plan.
1. In the Components & Values pane, locate the Component or Component Part that owns the Extended Port that is connected to the Connector Instance that you want to override.
2. Right-click the Component or Component Part, and then click Add Extended Port Override.
3. In the Types list, select IDLExtendedConsumer to select an Extended Port (Consumer) or IDLExtendedPublisher to select an Extended Port (Publisher).
4. In the Existing Type browser, select the Extended Port that relates to the Connector Instance, and then click OK.
5. In the Components & Values pane, expand the Extended Port that is now shown and locate the Attribute or Role you want to set.
6. Double-click the Attribute or Role you want to set; or select the Attribute or Role you want to set and then press F2.
7. In the dialog, type the override value, and then click OK.
To unallocate a process from a node:
1. In the Deployment tab, expand the Node from which you want to unallocate the Process.
2. Below the Node, select the Process you want to unallocate.
3. Press the Delete key.
To undeploy a component part from a process:
1. In the Deployment tab, expand the Node and Process from which you want to undeploy the Component Part.
2. Below the Process, select the Component Part that you want to undeploy.
3. Press the Delete key.
To unapply a locality constraint from a component part:
1. In the Locality Constraint tab, expand the Locality Constraint from which you want to unapply the Component Part.
2. Below the Locality Constraint, select the Component Part that you want to unapply.
3. Press the Delete key.
To delete a process:
1. In the Components & Values pane, select the Process you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete key.
To delete a locality constraint:
1. In the Locality Constraint tab, select the Locality Constraint you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete key.