Shared library (ARINC for VxWorks code)
The Shared Library models the <SharedLibrary> element of an ARINCE 653 configuration.
The Inline property of a Shared Library determines whether a Shared Library XML file (vxSysLib_sharedLib.XM) is generated:
When the Inline property is set to TRUE, ACS generates the content of the <SharedLibrary> element in the Module XML file. ACS does not generate a Shared Library XML file.
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, ACS generates a Shared Library XML file that defines the content of the <SharedLibrary> element. The Shared Library XML file is referenced through an <xi:include> element.
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property has a value, ACS generates an <xi:include> element to reference a Shared Library XML file that is specified by the xi:include property. ACS does not generate a Shared Library XML file.
The structure of the <SharedLibrary> element is as follows for VxWorks:
<SharedLibrary Name="">
The profile creates the Shared Library when you create an Integration Project through the New > Integration Project command. The Shared Library is named vxSysLib. Tell me more...
Specify the properties of the Shared Library through its Property Pages: on the Shared Library's Property Pages, click the SharedLibrary tab, and then set the tagged values of the properties.
When shown on the Module's Configuration Diagram, the Shared Library's notation is as follows:
A Shared Library is based on a UML Attribute.
The following sections provide information about how a Shared Library is used in the model.
Shown on these diagrams
ARINC properties
Base_Address - generated as the Base_Adderss attribute of the <SharedLibraryPayload> element.
Inline - specifies whether the content of the <SharedLibrary> element is generated in the Module XML file or generated in a separate Shared Library XML file that is referenced through an <xi:include> element:
When the Inline property is set to TRUE, ACS generates the content of the <SharedLibrary> element in the Module XML file. ACS does not generate a Shared Library XML file.
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, ACS generates a Shared Library XML file that defines the content of the <SharedLibrary> element. The Shared Library XML file is referenced through an <xi:include> element.
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property has a value, ACS generates an <xi:include> element to reference a Shared Library XML file that is specified by the xi:include property. ACS does not generate a Shared Library XML file.
MemorySizeBss - generated as the MemorySizeBss attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
MemorySizeData - generated as the MemorySizeData attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
MemorySizePersistentBss - generated as the MemorySizePersistentBss attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
MemorySizePersistentData - generated as the MemorySizePersistentData attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
MemorySizeRoData - generated as the MemorySizeRoData attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
MemorySizeText - generated as the MemorySizeText attribute of the <MemorySize> element that is owned by the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
SystemSharedLibrary- generated as the SystemSharedLibrary attribute of the <SharedLibraryDescription> element. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
VirtualAddress - generated as the VirtualAddress attribute of the <SharedLibraryDescription> element.
xi:include - when Inline is set to FALSE, generated as the href attribute of the <xi:include> element for the <SharedLibrary> element:
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, ACS generates a Shared Library XML file that defines the content of the <SharedLibrary> element. The Shared Library XML file is referenced through an xi:include element.
When the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property has a value, ACS generates an <xi:include> element to reference an Shared Library XML file that is specified by the xi:include property. ACS does not generate a Shared Library XML file.
When Inline is set to TRUE, the xi:include property is ignored.
xmlns - when the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, generated as the xmlns attribute of the <SharedLibraryDescription> element in the Shared Library XML file.
xmlns:xi - when the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, generated as the xmlns:xi attribute of the <SharedLibraryDescription> element in the Shared Library XML file.
xsi:schemaLocation - when the Inline property is set to FALSE and the xi:include property is blank, generated as the xsi:schemaLocation attribute of the <SharedLibraryDescription> element in the Shared Library XML file.
The Name property of a Shared Library is generated as the Name attribute of the <SharedLibrary> element and the NameRef attribute of the <SharedLibraryPayload> element.