Core os (ARINC for VxWorks code)
The Core OS models the <CoreOS> and <CoreOSPayload> elements of an ARINCE 653 configuration, which appears in the Module XML file.
The structure of the <CoreOS> and <CoreOSPayload> elements are as follows for VxWorks:
<xi:include href=""/>
<CoreOSPayload Base_Address="">
The profile creates the Core OS when you create an Integration Project through the New > Integration Project command. The Core OS is named simpc. For more information, see Diagrams and items created through the new > integration project command (ARINC for VxWorks code).
Specify the xi:include and Base_Address properties of the Core OS through its Property Pages: on the Core OS's Property Pages, click the CoreOS tab, and then set the tagged values of the xi:include and Base_Address properties.
To find the simpc item: in the Package pane, expand the Module that was created by the New > Integration Project command, and locate the simpc item.
A Core OS is based on a UML Attribute.
The following sections provide information about how a Core OS is used in the model.
Shown on these diagrams
ARINC properties
Base_Address - generated as the Base_Adderss attribute of the <CoreOSPayload> element.
xi:include - generated as the href attribute of the <xi:include> element that is owned by the <CoreOS> element.