Adding the ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653 and ACS profiles to a model (ARINC for VxWorks code)
Do not make changes to the ARINC 653 profiles. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
You can create Tag Definitions outside of the ARINC 653 profiles, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in the ARINC 653 profiles. When the ARINC 653 profiles are updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the ARINC 653 profiles within a model, or create copies of the ARINC 653 profiles through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the ARINC 653 profiles will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
To add the ARINC 653 and ACS profiles to a model:
1. From Modeler, open the Model to which you want to add the ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653 and ACS profile packages.
2. On the Tools menu, click Add Profile.
3. Select the check box associated with the following profile:
ARINC 653 for VxWorks 653
4. Select the check box associated with the following profile:
ACS (required to generate the configuration and application startup code)
5. Click OK.