Creating a verify relationship through a Modeler pane (SysML)
This topic provides information for specifying items that verify a requirement through an appropriate pane. For information about specifying items that verify a requirement through a diagram, click here
To specify items that verify a requirement:
1. Right-click the Requirement, and select > > .
2. For each item that verifies the Requirement:
a. In the Selection Browser pane, select the item.
b. Click the Link button.
3. Click OK.
1. Right-click the Requirement, and then select > .
2. For each item that verifies the Requirement:
a. Right-click the item, and then select > .
b. From the Relationship list, select Verified By, and then click OK.
To specify requirements that are verified by an item:
1. Right-click the item, and select > > .
2. For each Requirement that is verified by the item:
a. In the Selection Browser pane, select the Requirement.
b. Click the Link button.
3. Click OK.
1. Right-click the item, and then select > .
2. For each Requirement that is verified by the item:
a. Right-click the Requirement, and then select > .
b. From the Relationship list, select Verifies, and then click OK.