Populating missing SysML relationships on a diagram (SysML)
On most diagrams there are populate commands to populate the following relationships: Allocate, Copy, Derive Req, Refine, Satisfy, Trace and Verify.
When you populate a relationship through the diagram background, Modeler populates relationships between items shown on the diagram.
When you populate a relationship for a diagram item, Modeler populates all the appropriate relationships for that item, adding any missing items required to show those relationships.
To populate relationships through the diagram background:
On the diagram, right-click the diagram background, and select Populate > Links, and then click the required command.
To populate relationships for a diagram item:
On the diagram, right-click the item, and select Populate > Links, and then click the required command.
To populate all missing links:
On the diagram, right-click the diagram background, and select Populate > Links, and then click All.