SySim commands (SySim)
The SySim Profile adds the following commands to Modeler.
When you right-click a SySim Simulation Scenario (Block stereotyped by the «SySim Simulator» stereotype):
SySim > PTC Integrity Modeler SySim
This command starts SySim for you to generate a Visual Studio project for the SySim Simulation Scenario and to build the SySim model execution application.
SySim > Reset Form
When you add controls to the generated SySim model execution form in Visual Studio, information about the added controls and their positions on the form are reverse engineered to the model, so that next time the SySim Simulation Scenario is generated the controls appear on the form by default.
This command deletes the reverse engineered information about the controls on the SySim model execution application form. After using the Reset Form command, the form is reset to its initial empty state and the controls will need to be added to the form before executing that simulation again.
When you right-click a SySim Control Block (Block stereotyped by the «SySim ControlBlock» stereotype):
SySim > Set Base Control
Opens the Select Object dialog for you to select a Visual Basic base control that represents a Visual Basic standard control, such as TextBox. Ideally, you should use inheritance to specify the Visual Basic standard control, rather than this command. For more information refer to Creating your own SySim control blocks to model controls and behavior (SySim)
New > SySim HandleEvent > Ready To Start
Creates an Operation for handling the SySim model execution being ready to start.
This operation is invoked repeatedly on all SySim Control Blocks instances in a SySim model execution until all the SySim Control Blocks are ready to run. When all the SySim Control Blocks in a simulation are ready to run, the SySim model execution can be started, that is, the Simulation Start/Resume button on the SySim Control Bar becomes available. For signalling that a SySim Control Block is not ready to run, increment the value of the Rejections parameter of the handling operation.
New > SySim HandleEvent > Simulation Start
Creates an Operation for handling the SySim model execution being started.
This operation is invoked when the SySim model execution is stopped and the Simulation Start/Resume button on the SySim Control Bar is clicked.
New > SySim HandleEvent > Input Latch
Creates an Operation for handling the input latch phase of the SySim model execution loop.
This operation is invoked during each execution of the simulation loop, at the time port values are propagated from the external to the internal side of the ports. The operation can be used, for example, for interrogating an external (non-SySim) piece of simulation software that is participating in the simulation.
New > SySim HandleEvent > Time Advance
Creates an Operation for handling the time advance phase of the SySim model execution loop.
This operation can be used for updating the internal status of the SySim Control Block with the computations required for the current simulated time, passed as a parameter
New > SySim HandleEvent > Output Publish
Creates an Operation for handling the publish phase of the SySim model execution loop.
This operation is invoked during each execution of the simulation loop, at the time port values are propagated from the output ports to the connected input ports. The operation can be used, for example, for transmitting information to an external (non-SySim) piece of simulation software that is participating in the simulation.
New > SySim HandleEvent > Simulation End
Creates an Operation for handling the SySim model execution being stopped through the Simulation Stop button on the SySim Control Bar.
This operation is invoked when the SySim model execution is stopped through the Simulation Stop button on the SySim Control Bar.
When you right-click a Sequence Diagram:
SySim > Import Sequence Diagram
Opens the Select Object dialog for you to select a SySim model execution log file that has been saved from Microsoft Excel.