Reverse engineering options 1 page (C Code Reverser)
This page allows you to select the code files you want to reverse engineer and choose whether you want to reverse engineer code bodies.
If you selected a dsp or vcproj file on the Select Model page, the list will be populated with the code files that are specified in the dsp or vcproj file.
Code files you select for reverse engineering are reverse engineered only if their folder or one of the folder's parent folders is mapped to a Package (either the Model itself or a Package in the Model). You map folders to Packages on a later page of the wizard.
If you want to reverse engineer code bodies, select the Reverse engineer code bodies check box. When updating Operation Body properties, the Reverser attempts to preserve model object references. Note that a blank code body will result in the associated Operation's Body property being made blank.
If the file name extensions specified in the Language Options group do not match that of the files you are reverse engineering, change extensions specified in the Language Options group accordingly.
If you want to use a precompiled header file to reduce the time taken to parse code files, select the Use PCH Filecheck box. For more information about using a precompiled header file, see Working with precompiled header files (C code)
The Reverser reverse engineers the code files in the order they are listed. If the order in which the code files are reverse engineered is important, order the code files as required.
To view a file selected for reverse engineering, double-click the file in the list. The file is opened in the application associated with the file's extension.
For information about reverse engineering C code, see Overview of reverse engineering legacy C code (C code)
There are three ways of selecting code files to reverse engineer.
To add code files through wildcard searches:
1. In the Look In box, type the path of the directory you want to search, or select the required directory through the Search Directory button.
2. In the Search For Files Named box, type the search criteria using wildcards, for example, type '*.h;*.cpp' to find files that have .h or .cpp extensions
3. If you want to search subfolders of the folder specified by the Look In box, select the Search Subfolders check box
4. Click the Search Now button.
To add code files through individual selection:
Click the Select Files button, and then select the files you want to add.
To add code files through a drag and drop operation:
Drag the code files from Windows Explorer to the list box.
To change the order in which the code files are processed:
1. In the list, select the code file whose position you want to change.
2. Click the Move Item Up and Move Item Down buttons as necessary to move the selected code file to the required position in the list. The code files are reverse engineered in the order they are listed.