Projects (automation interface)
This is the root object for Modeler. It is a collection object for all the Project objects you can read, that is, the Models available in the repositories that are bookmarked in your Model Explorer.
In an external Visual Basic application you obtain the Projects object through the following Visual Basic CreateObject command:
Dim Projects As Object
Set Projects = CreateObject("OMTE.Projects")
In addition to the common attributes.
This always returns "Projects".
Access is read-only.
In addition to the common associations.
Active Diagram
A relationship with the Diagram that currently has the focus in Modeler, or if no diagrams are open in Modeler, a relationship to the diagram selected in the active pane. If no diagrams are open and you select multiple diagrams in the active pane, Active Diagram is a relationship with all the selected diagrams.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Active Dictionary Item
A relationship with the Dictionary Item that currently has the focus in Modeler. If a symbol on a diagram has the focus, a relationship with the dictionary item that is the under-lying dictionary item for that symbol. If you select multiple items in the active pane, Active Dictionary Item is a relationship with all the selected items.
See also Active Selection Context.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Active Project
A relationship with the Model (Project) that is currently open in Modeler.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read-only.
Active Selection Context
A relationship to the items that make up the path to a Part or Port in the model.
For example, Active Selection Context for Part3 in the following example returns the following collection of items: Model, Package1, Part1, Part2 and Part3.
Active Selection Context is useful when working with virtual redefinitions, as it returns the path of items as seen in the Parts browser.
In this example, objItems is set to the collection of items that make up the path to the Part or Port against which the script is run. The name of each item is then displayed in turn in a message box.
Set objItems = Projects.items("Active Selection Context")
Do While objItems.MoreItems
Set objItem = objItems.NextItem
Call Msgbox (objItem.Property("Name"))
Active Symbol
A relationship with the symbol that is currently selected on the diagram that has the focus in Modeler. If you select multiple symbols on a diagram, Active Symbol is a relationship to all the selected symbols.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A relationship to the Models in the Projects collection. The Project object contains the Dictionary Items and Diagrams collection objects. It can be indexed through the Title of the Model.
Set Project = Projects.Item("Project", "Example Project for Modeler")
I you use the Project association to object a Model and your Model Explorer has another Model of the same name, the first Model with a matching name is obtained.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A relationship to the Models in the Projects collection. The Project object contains the Dictionary Items and Diagrams collection objects. It can be indexed through the Reference attribute of a Model.
When you use Reference, you can specify the model version (as in the preceding example) or not specify the model version, in which case the latest version of the model is used.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.