Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For Modeler Items > Functions for Projects > GetExtendedClassProperties function (automation interface)
GetExtendedClassProperties function (automation interface)
GetExtendedClassProperties("<object type>")
<object type> is a string that specifies the object type for which extended class properties are returned.
The GetExtendedClassProperties function returns a string that lists the following properties of an object type:
Text tab properties.
Tag Definition properties that have been applied to the object type, or applied to any items of that type. Tag Definition properties that are listed may not be available to all items of the specified type.
The returned string contains the following information about each property:
The name of the property.
The properties of the property. The letters in this field indicate the following properties:
B: Do not merge
E: User added extension (Text tab property or tag definition)
G: Tag definition
I: Hidden (does not apply to Tag Definitions)
L: Reference tag definition
P: Provided extension (provided with Modeler)
R: Read-only
T: Rich text
W: Read/write
Value List values for Text tab properties, or enumeration Values for Enumeration tag definition.
A paragraph break.
To use the GetExtendedClassProperties function, the Dictionary must be loaded.
If you want to list the extended properties of a specific object, you can use the Extended Property Descriptors argument for that object.
If you want to list the standard and extended properties of an object, you can use the GetClassProperties function or Property Descriptors argument.
This example displays the extended properties of the Actor object type.
strExtProperties = ActiveProject.GetExtendedClassProperties("Actor")
Call Msgbox(strExtProperties)