Set multiple resolutions dialog (Integration for PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager)
The Set Multiple Resolutions dialog allows you to set the clash resolutions of multiple clashes on the Clash Detection Results dialog in one operation.
You open the Set Multiple Resolutions dialog from the Clash Detection Results dialog by clicking the Set a Resolution for Multiple Clashes button.
To set the clash resolutions of multiple clashes on the Clash Detection Results dialog:
1. In the Scope browser, select the root item for the resolutions you are setting. Only clashes relating to items in the scope of the item you select are valid.
2. Set the Clash Status to All Clashes, Unresolved Clashes Only, or Resolved Clashes Only:
All Clashes means both clashes that have and have not had their resolution set on the Clash Detection Results dialog are valid.
Unresolved Clashes Only means that only clashes that have not had their resolution set on the Clash Detection Results dialog are valid.
Resolved Clashes Only means that only clashes that have had their resolution set on the Clash Detection Results dialog are valid.
3. In the Clash Type (Modeler / Integrity Lifecycle Manager) group, select the check boxes associated with the clash types for which you want the resolution to apply.
4. In the Resolution list, select the resolution you want to apply to the valid clashes on the Clash Detection Results dialog.
5. In the Item Type group, select the check boxes associated with the item types for which you want the resolution to apply.
6. Click OK.
The Resolution you selected is set for the clashes on the Clash Detection Results dialog that satisfy the criteria you have specified.